What We Do

Occupational Therapy Services

We provide skilled occupational therapy treatment for children. We treat many areas of skills such as fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, sensory processing, social skills, and more.

Activities and Worksheets

Visit our shop to view some of our worksheets which often focus on building fine motor and visual motor skills while incorporating academic concepts.

Video Demonstrations

Become a member and view our video demonstrations on how to teach your child important skills for school success! Members also gain access to the worksheets.

“Together, we can make learning at home a wonderful experience.“

-Laura Coldea, Founder


Our Mission

At LearnPal, our goal is to empower parents with tools to help their child engage in learning at home while teaching proper techniques. As an Occupational Therapist (OT), our skills and knowledge will help teach children how to correctly position their fingers on a pencil, improve fine motor skills, strengthen specific muscles for different tasks, and much more. These skills are all necessary for success with everyday activities in school, at home, and in the community. With the resources provided and demonstrated by OT’s, you too, can become a therapeutic tool for your child.

Here at LearnPal we have created a comprehensive resource center that is actively being curated and refreshed with new videos, guides, and live sessions on special occasions to provide you with the direction that you need to engage with your child.

Together, we can learn through play!