Water Balloon Toss


  1. Container to Hold Balloons

  2. Water Balloons

Activity Description

Kids love to play with water balloons! In this activity, children will practice tossing and catching a water balloon. We will first start close together and then, take a step back each time the balloon is caught. If the balloon is dropped and pops, start over by standing close to each other again.


  • Step 1: Fill the water balloons with water and place into a bucket

  • Step 2: Grab a partner and a water balloon. Stand close together and carefully toss the balloon from one part to the next.

  • Step 3: If the partner caught the water balloon without dropping it, take one step back and continue the activity.


Tossing and catching a water balloon requires eye-hand coordination, graded control, bilateral coordination, visual attention, and motor planning. Water balloon toss is a fun way to get wet and enjoy being outside!


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