Pom Pom Sort

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  1. Color Sorters

  2. Pom Poms (choose 3-5 colors)

  3. Tongs

Activity Description

Children will practice sorting pom poms by color while using tongs to pick up the pom poms.


  • Step 1: Gather all tools

  • Step 2: Scatter colored poms poms on the table (you can also scatter around the room to get your little ones moving)

    Step 3: Use the tongs to pick up poms poms and sort by color


Children will learn to sort by colors in a fun way! When using tongs, children strengthen the muscles of the fingers/hand, neat pincer grasp, and develop hand arches and separation of the hand. These skills are important for the development of an efficient pencil grasp, dressing, play, and more!


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