Push Pin Sea Creature


  1. Jumbo Push Pin (click here)

  2. Printed PDF (download here)

  3. Styrofoam Board (alternative: cork board)

  4. Scissors (cut out PDF in advance)

Activity Description

Children will learn how to safely use a jumbo push pin to poke holes into the dots of a sea creature. We will learn how to properly place fingers on the push pin to promote an efficient pencil grasp.


  • Step 1: In advance, choose a sea creature and cut out the square.

  • Step 2: Place the cut-out square on top of the Styrofoam board.

  • Step 3: Carefully, review with your child how to properly pick up a push pin for safety.

    • a. Do not pick up the push pin where it is sharp

    • b. Do not use the push pin outside of your personal space to harm others

    • c. Place the push pin safely away when the activity is complete

  • Step 4. Use your helper hand to stabilize the paper while the other hand begins poking at the dots with the push pin.

  • Step 5. Follow the sequence of the dots (do not jump around) until all dots are poked.

  • Step 6. When finished, carefully place the push pin in a closed container and out of reach for young children.


In this activity, your child will work on improving many important developmental skills such as a neat pincer grasp, eye-hand coordination, attention, strengthening of the little fingers, and more.


Pencil Grasp


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